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Title: Genius
Director: Michael Grandage
Screenwriter: John Logan
Subject: Max Perkins: Editor of Genius by A. Scott Berg
Year: 2016
Cast: Colin Firth, Jude Law, Nicole Kidman, Laura Linney, Guy
Pearce, Dominic West
Duration: 104’
Production Company: Riverstone Pictures, Pinewood Pictures,
FilmNation Entertainment, Ingenious Media, Desert Wolf
Productions, Michael Grandage Company
Production Country: United Kingdom, United States
Plot: Maxwell Perkins is a New York editor who works with great
authors such as Fitzgerald and Hemingway. After reading a
manuscript of O Lost by Thomas Wolfe, he decides to publish it and
starts collaborating with the author. From that moment, a strong
and complicated friendship between the two men begins.
Main Source Language: English
Target Dubbed Language: Italian
Target Title: Genius
Dubbing Director: Lorenzo Macrì
Dubbing Actors: Luca Biagini, Niseem Onorato, Chiara Colizzi,
Alessandra Korompay, Christian Iansante, Simone Mori
Language Varieties in ST: U-RP (At the end of the opening scene,
Maxwell Perkins and his family speak with a British accent to joke
about Maxwell’s disapproval of Louise’s drama club), GA (all the

characters except for Thomas Wolfe), North Carolina accent (Thomas

“The immature Wolfe is depicted by Law as having an exaggerated
North Carolina drawl, and drama-king physical movements […].”

“Law worked with a dialect coach to execute Wolfe’s specific
American accent, and consulted on set with Laura Linney, since her
family is from the same area as Wolfe’s. “This is a Southern
accent with a hint of Appalachia in it,” she said. “Hearing him
speak, the rhythm felt very familiar to me.”’

“Colin Firth as Perkins is essentially fine, since the character
is well within his range and his American accent is less specific
than Wolfe’s.”

“Firth is British, Law is British, Dominic West is British, Guy
Pearce is Australian and so is Nicole Kidman. “What about Zelda
Fitzgerald, you sexist?” I can hear somebody saying. Well, yeah.
She IS depicted in the movie also. By Vanessa Kirby. A British

They all do their jobs pretty splendidly though so I can’t really
complain. But I did notice. As well you might, too.”

Function of Language Varieties in ST: Portrayals of Real People,
Time and Place, Star Turn.
Dubbed Language Rendition: Standard Italian
Instance Description: Maxwell Perkins and his family joke about
Maxwell’s disapproval of Louise’s drama club mimicking a British
Instance Start Time: 0 07’30”
Instance Duration: 0’35’’
Instance Web Link: .

ST Instance Transcription:
Louise: Hello, Mr. Perkins? Your father doesn't approve of my
drama club.
Daughter 1: Daddy, why don't you want mama to be an actress again?
Maxwell: Because limelight is not becoming to a woman of your
mother's years.
Daughter 2: Oh, you rat!
Louise: Oh, boo! Oh, yes, you save the whirlwind life of glamour
for yourself. Book signings and parties and the like, while we
languish here in the wilderness.
Daughter 3: Do we live in the wilderness?
Daughter 4: How thrilling!

Daughter 3: We should get knives!
Daughter 5: Yes, we should! Guess who will be the head pirate?

TT Instance Transcription:
Louise: Ci sei, Signor Perkins? Vostro padre disapprova il mio
gruppo teatrale.
Figlia 1: Papà , perché non vuoi che la mamma torni a recitare?
Maxwell: Perché a una donna dell’età di vostra madre le luci della
ribalta non si addicono.
Figlia 2: Oh, che cattivo!
Louise: Oh, buu! Già, certo, il vortice della bella vita si addice
solo a te. Presentazioni di libri e feste mentre noi languiamo in
questa landa deserta.
Figlia 3: Stiamo in una landa deserta?
Figlia 4: Com’è eccitante!
Figlia 3: Allora ci servono i coltelli!
Figlia 5: Certo che si! E indovinate chi sarà il capo dei pirati?
Figlia 3: Dai combattiamo!

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